NFL Week 6 Picks

Had basically no time to time up a big article or do a video! Getting my Week 6 picks out for proof I picked them before the 1 EST kick off times! I did have KC winning Thursday night against Denver, as I doubt anybody picked Denver except people living in Denver.

Last week, I had one of my worst picking weeks EVER, only snagging 5 winners. Didn’t do so hot! With that being said, I am still 2 up on the nation’s best supposedly at Fantasy Nerds. I have a total of 56 games picked correctly as of the final of Baltimore-Tennessee today, with their best being 54.

Didn’t have time for lines or spreads, but did pick my winners! Happy Week 6! SO MANY games that are tough to pick this week as there are not any really huge favorites except San Fran!

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